The Mother

A play by Florian Zeller

"A powerful and thought-provoking experience"

Yediot Ahronot

"Yevgeny Arye has directed a beautifuly flowing performance, a performance, which brings a slice of life to the stage, moments of pain and humor, as well as food for thought about love, relationships and everything in between. A fine performance by Efrat Ben Zur"

Kan B

"Thought provoking"


"A relevant and original production, which provokes a contemplation of motherhood and femininity, the relationship between parents and children, and has quite a few emotionally powerful moments, which are certainly worth seeing"


"A fascinating and touching performance of an excellent play about femininity and loneliness with a touch of sparkling humor and warm humanity"

Zvi Goren, Habama

"The performance of Efrat Ben Zur is powerful, unrestrained and tempestuous"

The Marker

"Brilliant and impressive theatrical language, virtuosic in its stage style and as a convincing and authentic stage interpretation. One director and four actors, who invite the call – Bravo!"

Ben Ami Feingold

"A beautifully flowing performance, which incorporates moments of pain and humor as well as food for thought about the pros and cons of relationships. I enjoyed the fine and powerful performances by the cast"


A dark comedy

Florian Zeller

Translation from French: Roy Chen
Stage director: Yevgeny Arye

Set design: Simon Pastuch
Music editor: Efrat Ben-Tzur
Lighting design: Avi Yona Bueno (Bambi)
Costume design: Judith Aharon
Sound producer: Michael Vaisburd
Dramaturgy: Katya Sosonsky


Ann buys a red dress. Just for special occasions. For example, for the funeral of her husband who is still in good health.


A ruthless portrait of a woman in “transitional age”, that    hypersensitive period of life, when her children have grown up and left and her husband prefers to return home as late as possible.

Loneliness becomes unbearable – one can go mad. There is no one to cook breakfast for… There is no need to escort the children to school...


Motherhood is a full time job, but it's over. She finds herself in a vacuum, the aftertaste of the past tastes awful. Emptiness causes   hysterics and a sense of helplessness. She feels as if the ground were  slipping from under her feet.


"Mother" is the first part of the duology "Mother", "Father" by the famous French writer Florian Zeller and the winner of the Moliere Prize.

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